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Spinning around
The world is spinning or am I?
Exhausted by the mounting stress and frequent "surprises (or so-called shocks), I am yearning for a short get-away trip.
Will this coming trip bring any difference to my weary spirit? A definite 'no' won't be the answer. No matter what, anything free of charge is good. Yet, it is horrifying to be sharing room with someone whom I am not close to. She suggested we can split up the to-bring item list so as to lighten the bagguage. My oh my. The thought of having to share items with her is sending chills down my spine. * I aint acting like a weirdo but I really do not know her well.
Companions matter.
And I am still yearning for a real get-away.. as you promised. Labels: BBP, purple him, random rambling, Trip, Work