islenska 06.07.06 miss(understood)
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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Exam is just one week away.
In fact, it is less than a week for some.

Yet, I'm still being bugged by my HR project.
Set me free from this torment. I might explode soon. It is so antagonizing to go thru this again and again....

Tml will be a good day. Service!

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Squeaks` @* 9:07 PM

Brothers & Sisters program!


Free Hit Counter

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Squeaks` @* 1:23 PM

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy birthday!!!

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Squeaks` @* 10:59 PM

Free Hit Counter

Congrats! my dear little top student.
2 prizes in total.
Aunt is so proud of u.

It runs in the family?
nahx.. he has better genes.

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Squeaks` @* 10:51 PM

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Free Hit Counter

It was a good thing I ran ytday as I knew that I wont be able to wake up early for the run. True true...

Time for studying now. Will be hitting my hr book again. Thanks CW for lending it to me. That was sooo sweet of her. Without much probing, she just lent it to me though she needs it to study as well. I appreciate such act of altruism. Thank you ger! (dont think she will see this anyway)

Anyway, mine is a different version from the others'(going to photocopy the impt points/theories/diagrams.. etc). The reason is pretty simple cos I borrowed from the library! I borrowed the right books this time round, but the facts are kinda different and not exhaustive. Supposed to have 2 books for this module but I only bought one~ HEhee....

Meeting A and N tonight. Great but we still do not have any concrete plan for the night. I open to the floor for suggestions.

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Squeaks` @* 10:37 AM

Free Hit Counter

felt better after the run... 1hr 4mins 12secs

no hunks spotted during the run. wat a waste

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Squeaks` @* 1:44 AM

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

(pleasant; happy)

Terrible terrible.. I really had an awful night ytday.
It was a battle between the sleepiness and hardworkingness.
Since young, we are taught that the good will always triumph over the evil, arent we. NAHX!

I slept! at least for 3hrs from 10 plus to 1 plus am. My precious 3 hrs just got wasted like that. Mr hardworking succumbed to the dark side.

Okie. Fine. Shant brood over it. Perhaps, with the 3 hrs worth of rest, I could stay much more awake and study for the rest of the night. That was what I thought. After munching some chips and flipping thru some pages, my eyelids felt heavy. てとも 重い。
Zzzzzz.. Bed time and it marked the end of studying.

It sounded as if I didnt study much. Nahx. In fact, I did. Most of studying was done ytday afternoon.

Having somehow prepared for todae's oral test and hr assessment, off I went to school.
ORALテストは 十二時五十分に  はじまりました。
I was allocated to the 1250pm slot for my oral test but it was being held up due to.... I was not too sure as well. Being a panic-stricken worrier by nature, I would usually whine non-stop, loudly proclaiming my fear. Nt todae though. Hehee. God had sent down confidence in me!

Well. I wasnt exactly 100% full of confidence. I had to convince myself that it was just a normal conversation. Indeed, it went smoothly. The questions that I prepared came out. As such, I was able to answer the questions almost immediately. ~ Bingo I was ecstatic.

It was a good day~

Next battle: HR assessment

My tutor was generous enough to give us extra 20 mins to do the paper. 3 questions in total, 25marks each.
The killer was the last question. "Our special speaker mentioned a few marketing techniques that she used to market her Fengshui services.....during her talk.. Choose any 3 and evaluate..."
What!!! I didnt go for the talk. How would I know. ??!! What kind of question was that. That was unfair. It would be dumb if I just left the question blank right, 25 marks (33.33%) is alot. I smoked all the way. Not a single idea about what was mentioned during the talk, so i just applied my own marketing knowledge. ha

Took this while studying.. ugly. super ugly

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Squeaks` @* 9:30 PM

Free Hit Counter


A sheepherd is tending his flock when a Jeep screeches to a halt beside him. The driver hops out and says:" If i tell you how many sheep you've got, will you give me one?"
"ok, deal" the sheepherd replies.
The stranger then takes out his laptop, plugs it into his mobile phone and after a little work involving Nasa websites and satellite readings, says:" The answer is 931."
The sheepherd noes. "Choose your sheep," he says. The stranger bundles the animal into his Jeep.
"Now, if i tell you what job you do, can i have my sheep back?" the sheepherd asks.
"Sure," the stranger answers.
"You're a management consultant," the sheepherd says.
"How did you know?" the astonished stranger exclaims.
"Easy," the sheepherd says. "First, you charged me a fortune, secondly, you told me something I already know and lastly, you know nothing about my business. Now please give me back what belongs to me."

Hahahaa.... Interesting story. How true it is.

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Squeaks` @* 8:47 AM

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


私たちの昼ご飯。。 DonutS from Donut Factory. Having tried a few other donut stores, I still think nothing beats the authentic donut king!
Simply lovely arent they but a pinch of pink added would be perfect.

Anyway, I didnt have to queue for these donuts this time round. Surprise from E!

Despite being in midst of exam preparation, I make sure I have time to relax and chill; enjoy a cup of savory heavenly Java Chip frappuccino at some coffee house.
Nahx. No time for that man. I was actually studying. Bought that so as not to get chased out by the staff. Haha. Crap

Erm. nothing to say abt this pic

Falling aslp soon.. not me!

My 2nd cup of coffee. Caffe Mocha without sugar. Super bitter

Well. He went off to dreamland. I prefer my textbook.

Free Hit Counter

Ms studious RUth went Lib 2 to borrow HR books to study for this Wed's in-class assessment. Happily, she brought the HR management book out todae to study. Guess what. The in-class assessment is, in fact, on HR consulting! not HR management. Blur queen. Borrowed the wrong books.
GosH. Tks God there's such thing as National Library in Town.


Squeaks` @* 6:18 PM

Free Hit Counter



いっ週間に 何回 運動を しますか?

ぺットを かった ことが ありますか?

タイへ いった ことが ありますか?

いつ タイへ いきましたか?

タイで どんな ことが できますか?

週末に いつも 何を しますか?

日本は どうですか?

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Squeaks` @* 2:09 AM

Free Hit Counter

こんにちわ みなさん

今 にじごろです。遅いですね。

今日 二つ コーヒーを 飲みましたから、今 ねる ことが できないと 思います・

でも、明日は はやい 起きなければ なりません。

私は 十時三十分に Raffles Cityへ 勉強に いきますですから。

がんばってね ルーフーさん。


Squeaks` @* 2:00 AM

A day for celebration. What kind of celebration?

Ohh. I look so petite besides him. Enormous besides other girls. Haha

Studying japanese..

Surprise Pizza delivery.

All-time fav Hawaiian and Teriyaki Boys opps i mean Teriyaki Chicken

Wine to go with the pizza?!

one last piece. Hmm.. Who shall have the last piece? Me! Ate it out of obligation.

U aint lookin at the camera! I mean camera phone.

Free Hit Counter

Special day of the month.

Not much of a celebration. Just a simple dinner in Hall..
Initial plan was to cook pasta but he was being held up by his work, pizza was ordered back to save time.

Well. downloaded Skype today. It's cool! Me and my HR groupmates had ur online discussion via Skype's conference call. We could even hear each other's voice. Hehe. I sound a bit passe right. When I excitedly told E about my latest dsicovery about Skype, his reply was "now then u noe?"

yeah. I belong to the old school. I know nothing except msn and msn.

The only guy in my group was startled when E spoke thru the mic. "How could there be another guy?" this must have gone thru his mind. Sorry for the shock! SZ

The rest was giggling.

Skype is absolutely fascinating. ~


Squeaks` @* 1:23 AM

Monday, November 5, 2007

Free Hit Counter

Despite just waking up from a nap, I am still tired. Gosh. I've been sleeping quite a bit these few days since last week.
勉強を しなければ なります。!!!

Help needed in keeping myself awake as tOns of revisions await me.

Well well. Having my 2nd cup of coffee. Hopefully, it will last me past midnight.

Coming up: 十一月七日 Oral てすとと HR In-class テストが ありますね。

Had my listening テスト today. The conversation was super duper fast, they talked like bullet train, at least to me. It was like crazy. Out of the 3 sections of the listening test, the last section was the worst. I could not understand at least half the conversation. Question marks question marks flew everywhere.
I did my best to stay focused and listen attentively but how can a Singapore mrt win Japan shinkansen? I cant catch up with their speed.

Japanese is indeed my favourite module but a great amplitude of revision/practice is really needed!

I need companion to practise japanese with me.

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Squeaks` @* 7:00 PM

Free Hit Counter

Confused state of mind.....


Squeaks` @* 4:48 PM

River Regatta Nov 2007

Last words before going off---> sounds wrong isnt it?

Deep in thoughts


"Let's get to the starting line."

BOat 2= NTU
Boat 1= RP

RP seemed to be in the lead...

BUt, NTU (Boat2)emerged as the winner! That was close.

Good job NTU DB!

Wonder if anione has ever fallen into the water??!! Hmm.

LaZy ruth was only in time to watch the last race of the day which was the Men's open preliminary round. They won!! I expected it aniway. Haha. I've got great faith in them.

Gave Mr E a mini surprise after the race. A form of reward!

Free Hit Counter

Day 2

Men's Open 2nd place
"My" first DB medal!! yeah. Thanks.

I had to go for my Sunday service so I couldnt make it for the race. No pictures of Day 2's race as such.

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Squeaks` @* 2:28 PM



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