This has been something that I always want to learn. Due to lack of faith and determination, I dropped the idea. Different paths.
I picked this up once again. This couldn't be possible without your assistance and guidance.. Thank you bestie!
Insufficient techniques insufficient strength weakening body.. I wont deny the fact that my body is deteriorating... Pain I shall endure. Till the day cometh...
Please do not laugh at this noob.... Presenting to u R's(noob's) roundoff:
Saturday, 170508 -Best friends- This was given not by Hyb, but MC! Gift from Japan. Finally took it out to use. Din really want to dirty it, but abit wasted if dont use. So cute ") Eh. .. .. Melody's ears HYB: When is my food coming? HYB: Ok. Here it comes. R: Unfair!! I waited around 15 minutes for it. Going home... Free Hit Counter