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There are always so much thoughts running through my mind during shower, especially in hall.
However, I tend to leave them in la la land when I get back to the room. This time round, the same happened. I forgot again.
Hmm.. *Have to restart engine.. Gear 1 of thinking process..
Never mind. I shall just blog whatever that comes to my mind now. Oh Twilight! Into the 3rd sequel of the Bloodsucker & human Bella love story, not that the story is draggy, but I am beginning to dislike the main female character. In the 1st 2 books, edward and bella are seriously in love with each other, despite of their differences. How can someone like his own pet? or even food? Well, human and food combination is the correct analogy. Nevertheless, ignoring all struggles and obstacles, they promised eternal love to each other. How romantic can it be? A lot of fluffy lovely dovely phrases were heavily used in their parts. Now comes the horrifying plot in the 3rd sequel whereby Bella wanted the best of 2 worlds, Bloodsucker and Dog. Bella, though she already had Edward, the cool marble Vampire, wanted Jake by her side as well. Bloodsucker and Dog can never live together, swore enemies from many generations ago. She loved both of them, one as lover another as best friend whom she couldn't bear to leave or see him walk away.
Someone asked me this question some time back.. How come one love 2 persons at the same time? I believed, if I didn't remember wrongly, my reply was swift and quick "why not?". Exact words have been forgotten.
I would definitely want to take back my words and say "not possible". The book brought light to my realization.. Learning to cherish every single things that he does.Labels: random thoughts, reflections, Twilight
Valentine day..
Simple but somehow, it did successfully filled my.. stomach, I mean heart with warmth.
Prepared by one whose culinary skills always exceeds mine. Since when I've got? Also the same and only person who complains about the way I cook... grumble grumble grumble

Flowers! given by the thoughtful ones...

Free Hit CounterLabels: 2009, Vday

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No wonder the sales for my xxx is sooooo bad!!!!
Why didn't they do a proper job as they are supposed to. $*&^$%$&^*(&()
Meant for 3 pdts but turned out 2 pdts. WTH!
All right. I am really peeved.
Really..... I am trying to relax. This is my only avenue to vent my anger...
My perfect evening was screwed up by those folks...
Sorry for my language...
I am going to be normal again.
Stress level to the brinkLabels: job